Thanks for your greeting in my guestbook! I was so excited to see that you are from Iceland, and that you seem to have a BC. =) You seem to be into horses as well, and I'm so jealous of you - I used to ride a little Icelandic mare a few times every week before I moved away from home, and in my opinion the Icelandic Horses are the best in the whole world.
I hope you and your dog and horses (at least it seemed like you have horses?) have a wonderful weekend. =)
Thanks for your comment, I totally adore your dogs, they are gorgeus. And yes I do have horses, plenty of them, train, compete and breed them (on a very small basis). I totally agree that Icelandic horses are the best :D
Ég er dýrasjúklingur með meiru, með hunda og hestadellu á háu stigi. Planið er að verða dýralæknir og er ég í dýralæknanámi í Köben í LIFE (KVL). Ég er trúlofuð yndislegasta manni í heimi, honum Valda mínum og eigum við saman hundana Flugu og Dís og ágætis úrval af hestum.
3 ummæli:
Þetta er brjálæðislega fyndið... Sá þetta einmitt um daginn á barnalandinu... En við verðum að fara að drífa okkur í almennilegann útreiðartúr ;)
Hi Silja!
Thanks for your greeting in my guestbook! I was so excited to see that you are from Iceland, and that you seem to have a BC. =) You seem to be into horses as well, and I'm so jealous of you - I used to ride a little Icelandic mare a few times every week before I moved away from home, and in my opinion the Icelandic Horses are the best in the whole world.
I hope you and your dog and horses (at least it seemed like you have horses?) have a wonderful weekend. =)
Hi Anna,
Thanks for your comment, I totally adore your dogs, they are gorgeus. And yes I do have horses, plenty of them, train, compete and breed them (on a very small basis). I totally agree that Icelandic horses are the best :D
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